Thursday 10 June 2021

Some insights on inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is a marketing strategy like any other, but with more impact and profoundness. This is a strategy that aims to pull customers in with useful and relevant content. Inbound marketing is not about stuffing keywords, it is about sharing the right information with the users and then in turn, encouraging them to buy from the brand. This concept was coined by HubSpot’s founders Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan  - who noticed that the monotonous marketing needed a paradigm shift, thus making the goal of inbound marketing to found prospects and customers thereby building a very strong relationship with them.  

Inbound marketing vs outbound marketing

Outbound marketing is an interruptive form of marketing where you push a message or product and force people to buy your products or services. You can find a lot of companies doing digital marketing in Kelowna throwing cold calls, cold emails and direct mail etc. This is a kind of outbound marketing.  

On the other hand, inbound marketing is the opposite where the brand wishes to maintain a strong relationship with the users and then encourage them to buy at a later stage. Inbound marketing will create useful content for your audience which they seek out whenever needed.  

If you are looking forward to getting insights on inbound along with social media marketing in Kelowna, you should reach out to us. We are offering all kinds of services to our digital marketing clients. We shall be able to help you. Call us and allow our team members to present a robust digital marketing plan.

To know more about Digital Marketing Kelowna and please visit our website.

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Building link with images, how do you do that?

They all say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and it can be true for your local link building as well. With respect to link building, a picture can be worth a thousand links. You can find plenty of successful websites like Ahrefs to be doing very well with image link embedding. Although reaching that success level is not easy, there are some simple ways that we can share here that will help you create local link building using images. The following are some of the important tactics that you should look for. 

The Google images are easily embeddable and when people embed them in their content, they link back the source because it is important. Getting links to your images is actually a strategic process. You cannot just take a photo of your pet and expect the links to flood in. You need to post images that people will be actually interested in embedding. You can take help from the Local Internet Marketing in Kelowna expert who will tell you what kind of images will get chances to embed. Some of the common types of images that tend to attract more links are graphs, photos, maps, infographics and so on.  

Besides these, the products photos too attract users and these images can be used to embed more links to your images. To achieve your goals, you need to:  

Use the TRUST formula

Use links from unauthorized source  

Claim the links from improper attributions

Reach out to our experts for more information about SEO and link building.

To know more about Local Internet Marketing and please visit our website.